Planning - Scheduling - Detailed Planning

  • item1 Planning production orders
  • item2 Control of their execution
  • item3 Real-time visualization of production phases

Transmitted by the ERP or the production management to the MES software, production orders can also be created directly.

It is important to plan them in time over a suitable period (team, day, week) and to control their execution by automatic launch, or under operator control. The scheduling or detailed planning supports this function, on which certain constraints can be applied, such as equipment already used or reserved, availability of materials, or carrying out certain preliminary checks.


Detailed Planning – Dispatching Tasks

The MESbox PMT pack has an operating interface for job scheduling that allows you to track all production or planned production orders, either in table form or in graphical form (Gantt chart).

Software COOX MESbox PMT


These functions are provided by MESbox PMT module (Production Management & Traceability) of  COOX range.

• Runtime software for batch and discreet processes
• Conformity ISA-88/ISA-95
• Graphic modeling of the process without data-processing knowledge
• Ergonomics of control customizable
• Detailed planning of the work orders
• Traceability of the set points and actual value, batch file
• Automatic quantitative adjustment
• Visualization and piloting since any point of the intranet
• Direct link with the traceability of product
• FDA  requirements 21 CFR 11

Software COOX MESbox IPS


These functions are provided by MESbox IPS module (Improved Planning & Scheduling) of  COOX range, extension of MESbox PMT module.

All types work orders' scheduling and business rules application

• Work orders creation in the various ISA-95 areas (Production, Maintenance, Quality, Logistics) with color identification on the Gantt
• Equipment and labor reservation (if LBM extension) for a Work Order
• Edit mode with intuitive modification by drag & drop in a "sandbox" before validation or cancellation
• Calculation and visualization of Work Orders' progress according to a customer business rule
• Process' graphic modeling without computer knowledge
• Dependencies' definition between Work Orders
• Minimum and maximum deadlines' management

All MES features