The MES to meet the new challenges of the agri-food sector
In this period of revival of activity, the agri food industry sector must face many challenges, both cyclical and structural: ecological and envinronmental transition, regaining export market share, new consumer expectations, modernization of its industrial potential, digital revolution...
The specificities of the sector make the challenge of appropriating these technologies even greater than in other sectors.
The COOX MESbox® software has been designed to meet these requirements.

Irreproachable traceability and production optimization
Faced with the increasingly strong demand for transparency from consumers and the standards imposed by the sector (IFS, ISO, BRC, etc.), the food industry is forced to equip itself with reliable and increasingly sophisticated systems: 2D code bar, RFID, but also a production control and monitoring system in order to be able to provide immediate and real-time precise and detailed traceability of products, "from farm to fork". We must be able to quickly attach to any batch from the factory, the nature of the constituents used, the events that have occured on the production line.
By obtaining real-time systematic traceability of raw materials and the process, the MES COOX software makes it possible to respond in a reactive manner to market expectations and regulatory requirements, in accordance with sector standards. The manufacturer improves the management of its flows, its stocks, its processes and thus gains in quality, efficiency and productivity.
Reduced costs and shorter lead times
With the health crisis, agrifood companies, often referred to as "second line", have beeen able to react with remarkable agility and responsiveness.
Unfortunately, the resilience they have been able to demonstrate has had a cost: manufacturers charge, on average, an additional cost of 10%.(Increase in the prices of production equipment, increase in the cost of transport, increase in agricultural raw materials, etc.).
Therefore, in the current context, the objective for the manufacturer is to find a solution to reduce its costs, shorten its manufacturing times, and reduce its consumption of raw materials.
Therefore, the acquisition of MES software becomes essential.
With the PMT (Production Management & Traceability) module of the MES COOX software, the operating modes and process monitoring in ensured and controlled.
Thanks to the MESbox MTG (Material Tracking & Genealogy) module of the MES COOX software, the manufacturer improves the management of its flow, its stocks and thus gains in quality, efficiency and productivity. All stages of production are optimized, from manufacturing orders to storage or shipping of products.
Quality control and health safety
Ensuring product quality and maintaining it consistently is a guarantee of health safety for the consumer and a guarantee of limiting the negative repercussions in terms of image anf financial losses for the manufacturer, in the event of withdrawal.
More than for other goods, information on the conditions of manufacture and confidence in this information are essential attributes of food products.
Envinronmental and health concerns are particularly marked for these products, and are often in the mind of the consumer intrinsically linked to questions of health and taste quality.
Thanks to the QPI (Quality & Performance Indicators) module of the MES COOX software, you benefit from compliance checks at several levels. Upon receipt, one or more checks are carried out after which the batch of raw materials or components will be accepted or rejected.
Carried out systematically (inline) or by sampling (offline), these controls guarantee the manufacturer exemplary product quality, reduced time to market and customer satisfaction.
A connected agri-food industry in 4.0 era
To meet the challenges of the industry of the future and the expectations of consumers, the 4.0 factory must offer transparency on its production and intelligent packaging, in particular by developing applications giving access to all this information: traceability, environmental impact, nutritional quality of products...
This translates into the emergence of a new generation of intelligent and connected production machines. In addition, the development of applications for mobile terminals has become, in a few years, a considerable challenge for the manufacturer, in terms of productivity, quality and security.
Thanks to the MES COOX software, you can access all the data you want at the right time via your smartphone or tablet: monitor and control all production, be alerted in the event of a malfunction, collect genealogy data materials, process traceability or those relating to the various production performance indicators, etc.