SOUTH BRITTANY UNIVERSITY: implementation of an ISA95 compatible intrusion detection system


"COOX has met our requirements and will be used in our experiments. After checking its conformity (database schema, tables, synoptics...), we recommended it to our colleagues in other research laboratories and universities"

With industry 4.0, openness to the outside world, the Internet, connected objects ... the risk of intrusions into industrial computer systems increases and requires increased vigilance. Unique public university in the Morbihan, bringing together 3 faculties, 2 IUTs and an engineering school, the University of South Brittany offers a wide range of study programs, ranging from DUT to PhD, including the engineering degree and provides cybersecurity education with training in cyberdefence training and cybernetic crisis management research.

The University of Southern Brittany, which appears as a domain expert, chose COOX as an ISA95 compatible MES solution to test the implementation of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on the ISA95 / IEC 62264 standard. The research consists of comparing the planned production order with the one actually executed based on the B2MML implementation. For its experiments, the University of Southern Brittany was looking for a MES (Manufacturing Execution System) compatible with the ISA95 standard.